Hello, World!

Welcome to my website!

This is a project that I will probably be working on from time to time. I basically manage and write all of the backend and hosting stuff for the site so I can say I made it myself. (Ignore where I "borrowed" my source code for the webserver)


I use Visual Studio to code my programs in. Its for a very simple reason, its free (Free as in it costs no money, not as in free beer + it probably tracks me as well.). Anyways, my favorite programming languages is Python, but I am currently learning both JavaScript (Server side), Rust and Java. I have experience in HTML/CSS, Python (Obviously), Java and JavaScript, and Rust.


I originally wrote this website in raw HTML and CSS and hosted it with Apache Webserver on my personal computer or my laptop (Depending on which one was not being used) as part of a project for my computer science class. But now I have re-written it with NodeJS and basically turned into my personal site that I would use for experiments and testing.